Furman Library News

Network Outage – 12/22 at 1pm

On December 22, starting at 1pm, Furman’s Information Technology Services (ITS) will begin working on the campus network to upgrade the core of our campus network and improve network performance. This work will continue through the evening. The network will be working the morning of December 23rd.

During the outage you can expect:

  • The wired and wireless networks will be down with no Internet access, and no network printing.
  • Office 365 web email will be available off-campus, and on mobile devices using 3G/4G service.
  • There will be a limited version of the University web site at www.furman.edu. This site will have information about the upgrade, links to social media, and a few University web pages.
  • The IT Service Center will be answering questions, and providing updates, starting at 1pm on December 22nd.

Oh No! I've lost my internet connection! Oh no! I'm going to have to rely on the knowledge in my own head!

The network outage will affect the Libraries website and electronic resources in the following ways:

  •  The Furman Libraries home page will not be available on or off campus through http://library.furman.edu/. You will be able to access our website off-campus if you use the URL: http://libguides.furman.edu/library/home
  •  The Special Collections website will be entirely down.
  • There will be no off-campus access to electronic resources.
  • The library catalog will work off-campus, but text messaging will not work.
  • The Articles Search will work off-campus, but users won’t be able to connect directly to the electronic resources.
  • Public digital collections will be available off-campus. Restricted access digital collections will not be available off-campus.