Happy 100th birthday to Dr. Robert Tucker!
Dr. Tucker worked as the university librarian at Furman University from 1947 to 1978. His tenure at the university witnessed the move from the downtown campus to the current location, and into a new library far better-suited to handle the demands of the collection. He expanded the South Carolina Baptist Collection, helping to make Furman an important destination for anyone researching the history of the Baptists in South Carolina. He also helped to make Special Collections a distinct department of the library, insisting that space be included for Special Collections in the plans for the new library, and convincing Dr. Plyler and Dr. Sims to fund a single part-time employee for the department.
Robert and his wife Azile traveled extensively both before and after his retirement, amassing a collection of materials from North and South America, Europe, and Asia that form The Travels of Robert Tucker Collection.

To read more about Dr. Robert Tucker, visit: http://library.furman.edu/specialcollections/furman/tucker_biography.htm