Furman Library News

This Day in History

Remembering September 11, 2001
The following is an abbreviated list of titles available through the database Films on Demand:
September 11

September 11th (01:24:01)  Like December 7, September 11 is a hallowed day in U.S. history, a time for reflection and remembrance. This A&E Special looks back on the dark day in 2001.

Bill Moyers Report

Bill Moyers Journal: 9/11: For the Record (57:44)  A critical question continues to haunt America’s national psyche: how could the most powerful nation on earth have been so utterly unprepared to protect its homeland from the September 11 hijackers? First broadcast in 2004, this program offers a special one-hour analysis of the 9/11 Commission Report—connecting the dots of what happened that infamous day and studying the warning signs that could have averted the tragedy. The program highlights the agonizing close calls, missteps, and outright failures of two successive administrations and America’s intelligence and security agencies in the months and years leading up to 9/11. Broadcast date: September 14, 2007.


Nine Years After 9/11: Has Religious Tolerance Changed in America? (15:23)  NewsHour correspondent Jeffrey Brown moderates a conversation among four religious leaders and experts on the tolerance—or intolerance—of different religions and cultures in America, nine years after the September. 11, 2001, attacks. Original broadcast date: September 10, 2010


16 Acres

16 Acres (01:32:20)  The rebuilding of Ground Zero is the most architecturally, politically, and emotionally complex construction project in recent American history. The struggle to develop these 16 acres of ‘sacred’ land has encompassed 12 years, 19 government agencies, and over $20 billion. Aside from the engineering challenges, various constituencies – politicians, developers, architects, insurers, local residents, and relatives of 9/11 victims – profess conflicting claims to the site. Produced by First Run Features, 16 Acres is the inside story of how and why this historic project got built. At the heart of the story is the dramatic tension between noblest intentions, the desire of everyone involved to “get it right,” and the politics, hubris, ego and ideology that is the bedrock of New York City.


Top Secret America: The Hidden Legacy of 9/11 (55:38)  FRONTLINE producer Michael Kirk teams up with Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post journalist Dana Priest to reveal an unprecedented yet largely invisible legacy of 9/11: the creation of a vast maze of clandestine government and private agencies designed to hunt terrorists and prevent future attacks on the United States.

Films on Demand can be found in the All Databases list on the Library’s homepage.