Furman Library News

Straight Talk SC

The Riley Institute and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute have partnered to bring to the Greenville community the annual Riley/OLLI Summer Series. This year marks the fifth annual summer series, Straight Talk SC, which takes place 6:30 – 8:30, Tuesday evenings, July 21 – August 11 in the Younts Conference Center on the Furman University campus. The program includes high-profile speakers, academicians, and those who have on-the-ground experience with issues and topics of interest to Americans, and, in particular, South Carolinians.

This year’s summer series, “Crime and Punishment: Thinking Outside the Cell,” will explore our system of criminal justice–why and how it’s broken; what our state legislature has done/is doing/can do; law enforcement and the communities they serve; prisons and the treatment of mentally ill; problem-solving courts and other innovative approaches to improving public safety; and building justice in our communities.

Click on the image below for information on speakers and topics for this timely and relevant series.

Straight Talk SC
