Furman Library News

Pearls of the Czech New Wave

Among new DVD additions this week is this group of four films from the Czech New Wave 60s:

Along with the following award winning mix:

  • Interstellar – 2015 Academy Award for Best Visual Effects
  • The skeleton twins –Winner of 2014 Sundance Film Festival  for Screenwriting; 2014 Women Film Critics Circle for  Best Equality of the Sexes-10 other nominations
  • Whiplash –2015 Academy Award Winner of 3 Oscars- Best Supporting Actor, Best Achievement in Film Editing, Best Achievement in Sound Mixing
  • Poziţia copilului (Child’s Pose)– Winner at the 2013 Berlin International Film Festival for Best Picture(Berlin Bear Award) and the The International Federation of Film Critics Award.
  • Le feu follet (The Fire Within) – Director Louis Malle’s 1963 classic took the Special Jury Prize, at the 1963  Venice Film Festival
  • Fiend without a face – (Criterion Collection) Probably the most disgustingly effective of all 1950s horror films. Building towards the finale, “With its effective camerawork and revolting sound effects, it has merely set the stage for the goriest, grossest climax of the fifties, an outrageous gun battle against flying, splattering brains.” — Bruce Kawin, Professor of English and Film Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox – 2009 Best Animated Film award at over 20 film festivals

Pearls of the Czech New WaveInterstellarSkeleton TwinsWhiplashChild's PoseFire WithinFiend Without a FaceFantastic Mr. Fox