Furman Library News

Light Your FUSE!

The Furman University Scholar Exchange (FUSE) is an open access collection of scholarly, research, and creative works produced by faculty, students, staff, and other members of the Furman community. FUSE is administered by the Furman University Libraries in cooperation with individual departments and academic units of the University. FUSE collects the varied and diverse scholarly and research output of Furman University in one digital space, enabling the University to effectively promote and exchange the ideas produced by Furman scholars. Scholars interested in contributing to FUSE may contact their Library liaison or the FUSE administrators at scholarexchange@furman.edu.

Most Recent Additions to FUSE:

A Comparative Map of Seasonal Home Ranges of Pumas by Sex
Jordan Ellington

Pre-K Access in Greenville, SC
Tyler Peoples

Analyzing Drone Footage to Assess Necessary Streetlight Placement: Where in New Washington Heights and Poe Mill are Streetlights Most Necessary?
Savannah Jennings and Billy Tutt

Farmers Markets in Urban US Counties: The Relationship Between Income, Obesity, and Access
Mia El-Hamaki

Wing and Fin Outfitters: Using GIS to Determine the Ideal Location for a Tackle Shop in Charleston, SC
Matt Giordano

Spartanburg Humane Society Data Analysis: Hotspots and Resource Management
Leigh Robertson

Choosing Not to Cheat: A Framework to Assess Students’ Rationales for Abiding by Academic Integrity Policies
Ken H. Kolb, Kyle C. Longest, and Alexa J. Singer

Treatment of Mentally Ill Defendants and Prisoners
Carmela Epright

Medical-Legal Partnerships and the Furman University Poverty Studies Program
David Gandolfo

Value-Based Healthcare Through Care Coordination and Clinical Integration
Angelo Sinopoli and Jennifer Snow

Public Health Lessons from Cuba
Kristy Maher

Live Well Greenville: Making the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice
Alicia Powers

What Is It Like to Live in a Food Desert?
Ken Kolb

Population Health Summit
Eli Hestermann

Neo-Pentecostalism in Black Africa
Brian Siegel