Furman Library News


The night of November 18th was a cold one with temperatures dipping into the teens and twenties. As the sun rose over the Furman campus, many students and professors bustled to reach the warmth of their class room, dorm, or office. For those lucky few that stopped and looked around them, they witnessed a veritable winter wonderland: frost glinting off the eaves and shimmering up from the tips of the grass; leaves falling in gentle curtains along the Mall; and veils of steam and rainbows rising up from the fountains. The fountains had also partially frozen and the water burbled up from hard glassy edges.

It was well-worth a numb nose and trembling hands to stand for a moment and breathe it all in. For those who weren’t fortunate enough to see it, here are some beautiful early morning photographs. (Click to enlarge)

Frozen Fountain

Frozen Fountain

Later in the day, students drew attention to the half-frozen fountain by displaying a large inflatable duck on the icy patches:

Frozen Fountain

Next time you are outside, bundled up in your coat, scarf, and toboggan, take a moment to look around and see the beauty of a frozen Furman.