Furman Library News

My Beloved Mustache Hairs

Whenever I think of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, I always picture him with his thick, stylish mustache.  He must have been proud of his facial hair because he stored a few clippings in an envelope inscribed with “My beloved mustache hairs.” Someone must have loved his mustache as much as he did – the envelope of mustache hair sold at auction for $247.

Here are just a few of Doyle’s books that you can find in the library’s collection:

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Hound of the Baskervilles
My Friend the Murderer 

The Doings of Raffles Haw


One response to “My Beloved Mustache Hairs”

  1. I love this post!!! Thank you for showcasing not only Doyle’s Sherlockian writings, but also some of his more esoteric fiction like “The Doings of Raffles Haw” which is a science fiction novel that deals with some pretty weighty topics like the ravages of alcoholism. Doyle had first-hand experience with this. His father was an uncontrollable alcoholic who eventually had to be committed to an asylum for his own safety.