Furman Library News

Find Market Share Reports

The library has created a helpful step-by-step guide for finding market share reports in three of our business databases.  Instructions for each database are found under the eponymous tab.  And here are the links to the individual databases.  Happy researching!

Business Insights: Essentials    Covers businesses, including company profiles, financial reports, brand information, company rankings, and histories along with full text articles. Includes current full text, directory, numeric, and statistical information from 2000 to the present and journal indexing from 1984 to the present (varies by title).

Factiva    Access to more than 6,000 business, trade, and general publications and services, including same-day, full-text access to The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Financial Times, Los Angeles times and the Washington Post. Company and industry comparisons. Includes Reuters News Service reports.  Most titles from 1989 to present. Market info with 15 minute lag as well as year-to-date and historical. At least 150 dailies are available by 9:00 A.M.on day of issue.

Business Source Complete    Business Source Complete contains the full text of periodicals and other sources, including: peer-reviewed journals, trade journals & general business magazines, monographs, country economic reports, industry reports & yearbooks, and market research reports. The database covers a variety of disciplines related to all areas of business.