Furman Library News

FBIS Trials

The Library has initiated access to two resources for a trial period.  Both trials will be available until July 20, 2013 and can be accessed from our Electronic Resource Trials page.

  • FBIS Daily Reports (1941-1996)
    FBIS Daily Reports provides national and local perspectives on topics related to World War II and the Axis alliance, the new Islamic countries of the Middle East, the creation of Israel, the Berlin Wall, colonialism in Africa, apartheid, the Cold War, the Suez Crisis, the beginning of the Space Age, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, East-West interaction and much more.  
  • FBIS Daily Reports Annexes (1974-1996)
    FBIS Daily Reports Annexes offers international views and perspectives on historical events from thousands of monitored broadcasts and publications.  Created by the U.S. intelligence community to benefit analysts and policy makers, Annexes were “For Official Use Only.” 

We would like your feedback about our trials.  After you have tried an electronic resource, please let us know what you think.  Our feedback form is simple, and will take you less than 5 minutes to complete.