Furman Library News

Scholarship Opportunity

Have you been energized by your studies and research at Furman?  Do you want to work in a field rich with information and learning?  Then a career in Library and Information Science may be what you’re looking for.

Knowledge is empowering and as a librarian you will shape the way people access and interact with information.  With a Masters Degree in Library and Information Science you may choose to work in college or university libraries, public or school libraries, or specialized libraries like music, law, or corporate libraries.  Your options in Library and Information Science are many and varied.

Established in 1985, the Ethel Carlisle Southern Librarian Scholarship is awarded annually to a Furman rising or graduating Senior who anticipates becoming a librarian, or a Furman graduate who has been accepted into an American Library Association accredited graduate program.  The scholarship is typically in the range of $2000-$3000, depending on the number of successful applicants for the year.  It is renewable once, but preference is given to new applicants.  Applications will be accepted until February 18, 2013.  The scholarship winner(s) will be notified in March.

Librarians hold many different undergraduate degrees along with their graduate degrees.  Furman’s librarians come from a variety of fields.  Visit the display, Careers in Librarianship, located in the Rinker Research Commons to learn what and where your librarians studied as undergraduates.