Furman Library News

Scholarly Conversations

The Research Works Act and Cost of Knowledge movement recently brought international attention to key scholarly communication issues. These issues, centered on access to and the impact of scholarly discourse, are not limited to large research institutions. Every creator and consumer of scholarly information should be aware of these topics. The Scholarly Conversations series seeks to educate our communities, particularly faculty members, on scholarly communication issues and to spark dialogues about how we create, share, and consume scholarly information on the liberal arts campus.

Join us Wednesday, September 5 for an enlightening and invigorating talk with Dr. Lisa Spiro to kick-off the Scholarly Conversations series.  Dr. Spiro will be introducing a number of scholarly communication issues which are critical to all of us as producers and consumers of scholarly information.  New modes of publishing, analysis, and assessment have opened doors, but created new challenges.  As Director of NITLE labs, program manager for Anvil Academic Publishing, and author of the Digital Scholarship in the Humanities blog, Dr. Spiro is uniquely positioned to comment on these transitions and help us navigate these new channels of communication.

Come join the conversation.

Wednesday, September 5

12:30-1:30 with Q&A to follow

Patrick Lecture Hall – Plyler Hall

Light refreshments provided

For more details, please visit http://libguides.furman.edu/scholarlyconversations
