Furman Library News

New! Credo Reference

What is Credo Reference?
Credo is a vast online library, providing access to the full text of hundreds of highly regarded reference titles. And Credo brings the facts alive with images, sound files, animation, videos, and much more. Find speedy, simple answers and full in-depth articles.

What is special about Credo Reference?
Credo’s huge library of facts is made easily accessible in engaging and entertaining ways – you have the concept map for visual learners, dynamic tables to make statistics meaningful, interactive maps, timelines to put events into historical context, talking dictionaries, and the ever popular crossword solver.

How many titles are available?
Credo Reference is constantly expanding and currently offers around 300 quality reference titles on every major subject.

What sort of titles are they?
Credo Reference contains dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, quotations, and atlases.  Plus a wide range of subject-specific titles covering everything from the arts to accountancy, and science to Shakespeare.

How do I get started?
You can find Credo Reference in the All Databases list.  Get started by simply typing keyword(s) into the search box and clicking on the ‘Search’ button.  Or click on ‘Find Topic Pages’ and choose the collection that you would like to explore.