Furman Library News

Library Lends iPads

Check it out!

iPads are available for checkout for current students, faculty, and staff.  The check-out period for electronic devices is 2 weeks, with a 2 week renewal if no one is on the waiting list.  You must have your own iTunes account in order to use the iPad.  If you don’t currently have an iTunes account, you will have to create one.  Just follow this link:


Once you create an iTunes account, connect the iPad to the computer where you just installed iTunes and the iPad should do the rest.  You are responsible for the replacement cost of the iPad should it be lost, stolen, or damaged.  The replacement cost is $750.00.  Electronic devices need to be returned to the Circulation Desk, not dropped in the outside or interior bookdrop locations.

Questions?  Contact Robyn Andrews or Jimmy Quinn at (864) 294-2264.