Academic Honesty in Busy Times

Papers, projects and exams are coming up.

Remember that…

“Academic honesty boils down to three simple but powerful priniciples:

• When you say you did the work yourself, you actually did it.

• When you rely on someone else’s work, you cite it. When you use their words, you quote them openly and accurately, and you cite them, too.

• When you present research materials, you present them fairly and truthfully.

That’s true whether the research involves data, documents, or the writings of other scholars. These are the bedrock priniciples . . . They’re principles for academic honesty across the entire university”(Lipson 3).

The library has citation guides (MLS, Chicago, APA, APSA, etc.), tools (Noodle Bib and RefWorks) and style manuals to help you with clarity, grammar, punctuation, and citing to help you do your best work at this busy time in the semester.

Lipson,Charles. Doing Honest Work in College. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. Print.

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