Furman Library News

Who’s Using the Library? Then & Now

“Furman Library Popular Place In Campus Life”

This was the headline of a story in the January 31, 1928 edition of the Hornet, the student newspaper predecessor of the Paladin. The story went on to tell of the many daily visitors to the library (chalked up on a recording tablet in the library) and the number of books that were checked out.

Daily visits: 311 (average)

Daily books checked out: 63 (average)

Hours open daily: 11 (Saturday 9, Sunday closed)(64 hours total per week)

Have things changed? The library remains a popular place on campus but things are a tad busier (numbers below include the main library, and the science and music branches):

Daily visits: 946 (average)

Daily items circulated: 1483 (average)

Hours open daily: 17 (Friday 10, Saturday 9, Sunday 13) (90 hours total per week)