Furman Library News

All That Business

Standard & Poors Industry Surveys have always been the the best way to get financial and business information on over fifty of the largest North American and global industries. The S&P Register provided important business facts on over 100,000 leading public and private corporations worldwide, including current address, financial and marketing information, and a listing of officers and directors with positions and departments.

Now this information is combined online in S&P’s NetAdvantatge, which the library has on a trial basis. It’s a one stop source of proprietary analysis on industry trends, corporate activities, and investments. S&P NetAdvantage is used at many investment firms, corporations, government agencies, and law offices.

In addition, non-business students will find a Financial Education section with tools for understanding personal finance including sections on “Using a debit card,” “How a budget works,” and “Getting a student loan”.

The trial will go until March 2011. We welcome your feedback on this resource.