Furman Library News

Need Images?

Are you working on a project that requires images? Here are some resources you may find helpful:

ARTstor is a database to which the library subscribes with approximately 500,000 images covering art, architecture and archeology.

AP Multimedia Archive is another library database that contains over 700,000 Associated Press photos that go back to 1840 but most of which are contemporary images made since late 1995. It also includes graphics, maps, illustrations and logos prepared by Associated Press graphic artists.

Wikimedia Commons is a free database of almost 8 million freely usable media files. Easy to search and download, almost all images taken from Wikimedia Commons will be under some kind of free license or in the public domain.

Flickr can yield great images by using the advanced search option. It is recommended you check the “ ” box at the bottom of the search form to find images that are freely usable.

Research Assistance will be happy to assist you in your search for images. The Studio Lab can assist you with technical questions regarding downloading and inserting graphics into your presentation.