Furman Library News

Free Weekly Downloads from Music Online for Furman Users

Every week, Furman users can download a free work from Music Online, the set of databases we subscribe to including Classical Music Library, American Song, Contemporary World Music, and Smithsonian Global Sound.

This week’s download is Saint-Saëns’ Cello Sonata No. 1 in C minor, Op. 32. For more information, you can see the Music Online blog. If you have ever created an account to save tracks and to make playlists, chances are you already get the weekly e-mail. If not, it is free to do so, and comes with free music!


One response to “Free Weekly Downloads from Music Online for Furman Users”

  1. i think these are GREAT resources. okay, maybe i’m not necessarily using them for strictly ‘academic’ purposes, but, whatever. i just finished listening to diana ross, buddy holly and i’m moving on to james brown, then finishing up with aaron copland. good times, good times. thank you, music librarian extraordinaire, for pointing us toward these very valuable and, dare i say, entertaining, resources.