Furman Library News

What We’re Reading–the Religion Department

This week’s group that told us what they’re reading is the Religion Department:

Shelly Matthews:
My name is red/Ohran Pamuk
Pamuk is a Turkish author and winner of the Nobel Prize for literature. I’m reading with an eye to traveling to Turkey in a MayX this spring.

David Rutledge:
Home and Gilead/ both by Marilynne Robinson
These are novels about two families of preachers set in Iowa; nothing much happens, but the prose and the human insight are wonderful.

Radical Embodiment/David H. Nikkel
This book tries to get beyond the mind/body dualism of our Cartesian past.

Brian Siegel:
A spot of bother/ Mark Haddon
A supposedly funny book dealing with im/mortality about a man with a cancerous growth

Christianity and the Shona/ Marshall Murphree
An anthropological look at the Shona of Zimbabwe

Ed Yazijian:
The Hindus: An Alternative History/ Wendy Doniger
To quote a review by author Guru Caran Das, “Wendy Doniger’s double vision of Hinduism is about women, merchants, lower castes, animals, spirits, and of course, Dead Male Bramins.”