Furman Library News

Government Documents

Check out the display in the library’s Government Documents section.

While a number of reports may be picked up on participants’ blogs from time to time, the Government Printing Office has released first hand accounts from the Middle East war zones that really bring the experience home. Laura Baines highlights these publications in a new library display. Come by and look’em over.

About Battleground Iraq:This gripping journal of a company commander from 2003 to early 2004 in some of the most dangerous areas of post-Hussein Iraq discusses tactics, techniques, and procedures as they evolved in the struggle to maintain order and rebuild the country. The journal tells of the dichotomy of combat operations versus nation building. It vividly captures the stresses of combat and corresponding emotions as they accumulate over time in a combat outfit. It reinforces the ideal of camaraderie among soldiers and deals with the emotional impact of losing friends in battle. Understanding these could prove invaluable to those who courageously serve our nation and will continue to endure them in this and future conflicts.
