Furman Library News

Elliott Carter – 100 Years and Still Composing

In December, Elliott Carter celebrated his 100th year with a concert at Carnegie Hall. Carter is still composing now, in fact of his body of work containing just over 130 pieces, 30 were written in the past ten years. 10 were written in 2007 alone, and 6 in 2008.

Other Resources:
Carter Centenary Web site
Contains press release, upcoming concerts, photos (including the one used above), works listings, and more detailed bibliographical information.

Elliott Carter works on DRAM (requires Furman user name and password)
112 pieces you can listen to online, spanning his composing career

Items in the Maxwell Music Library about or featuring Elliott Carter and his works
Highlights include Flawed Words and Sudden Sounds, a book-length interview with Carter about his composing done in the early 1970s, and his Collected Essays and Lectures gathered in 1997.

If you are around Wednesday, January 14, stop by for birthday cake to celebrate!