Furman Library News

What I’m Listening To – Classical Music Podcasts

Podcasts are a free music broadcast that you can “subscribe” to via iTunes. iTunes is a free download too, if you click here to download it.

Once you are in iTunes, click on the Music Store. On the upper left corner, click on Podcasts. You can search for almost anything to find a podcast, but for these purposes, try “music” or “classical music.”

You will get a list of podcasts. You have three choices-
1) Double click on the podcast for a preview
2) Download one episode
3) Click on the “subscribe” button. Subscribing means every time they add a new episode, your computer will automatically download it when you launch iTunes.

I have found a few that I listen to regularly:
WGBH Classical Performance from WGBH Studio One
Classical Music Podcasts from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Naxos Classical Music Spotlight (more of a new music preview)

There are several professional organizations (symphonies, NPR, etc) who create podcasts from interviews with composers and performers that you also might be interested in.

I also happen to love Scottish music, and listen to a few podcasts that feature new Scottish musicians – the Tartan Podcast, Sleepy Sunday Show, and Mellow Monday show are three of my favorites.

Categories: Featured Listening, New Resource