Vampire Energy Sucks

It is common knowledge that electricity runs the modern world we live in. Here in the US, the simplest actions like turning on a lamp or charging a phone require electricity. Having instant access to electricity is something that I know I often take for granted. I know this because I find that I have a hard time adapting to life without electricity when we lose it due to a bad storm. Another thing about America is that we expend an incredibly unhealthy amount of energy. Given recent efforts to find more affordable and sustainable energy sources, it is imperative that we understand the unnecessary energy that we are already expending every day, without even knowing it.

What is It-

Vampire energy, also called standby power or phantom power is defined by the website “Save on Energy” as “the energy that’s wasted around your home when devices are plugged in and using power, but you’re not actively using them.” At first glance, this may not seem like that big of a problem, but when you really investigate how many appliances and devices we have plugged in at home, the amount of wasted energy can reach extremely high levels. In fact, of the devices using electricity in the average home, around 75% of the energy is used when they aren’t even on.

Smart power strips like this one prevent excess energy consumption.

Another statistic shows that for the average home, vampire energy causes an extra $100 or more per year on your energy bill. 

How to Limit Vampire Energy-

Now that we know what vampire energy is, the next step is learning what options you have to limit the amount of energy that goes to waste. There are many options to stop vampire energy, with the simplest being to unplug your devices when they are not in use. Although this may sound impractical, one way to simplify this is to use power strips for many devices, such as chargers, small electronics, and electronics. This way, all it takes is for one switch to be flipped to stop vampire energy in all the devices connected. While on the topic of power strips, another method to stop vampire energy is to invest in smart power strips, which are designed to automatically cut power to devices when they are not in use or during specific hours. Lastly, when purchasing new appliances/electronics, search for “ENERGY STAR” rated products. These products are designed to consume less power both when they are and aren’t in use.

Benefits of Limiting Vampire Energy-

Vampire energy cost by appliance per year

Vampire energy affects both the environment and your pocketbook. First off, the amount of excess energy that is produced from devices when they are not in use adds up over time and has a negative environmental impact. To meet the high demand of electricity, more energy must be created, much of it through unsustainable practices, which in turn contribute to increased greenhouse gas emissions. Secondly, vampire energy simply runs up the cost on your electrical bill. So, if you want to live more sustainably and save your money, consider following the simple steps to reduce the amount of vampire energy wherever you live.



Admin. “What Is Vampire Energy & How to Reduce It.” Now Power, 9 Oct. 2023,

Payless Power. “A Guide to Getting Rid of Electronics Sucking Your Energy.” Payless Power, 12 June 2023,

“Phantom Loads.” Https://Www.Mpsutility.Com/, Accessed 3 Dec. 2024.

“What’s Phantom Power and How Can You Track It?” Identifying and Tracking Your Home’s Phantom Power | Save on Energy, Accessed 3 Dec. 2024.


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