Phase 2 (January-June 2021): Campus Facilitation Teams Refine and Conduct the Education + Action Series
- CREATE grant team members create a web template for campuses to use to host dialogue, department meeting, and/or workshop artifacts for continuous use;
- Campus facilitation teams refine content as appropriate for their campus by using publicly shareable equity and inclusion gaps data to customize interventions.
- Campus facilitation teams conduct the education + action series on their campuses in intimate settings (dialogues, department meetings, workshops) and distribute learning assessments and post-workshop series reflections.
- CREATE grant team meets once bi-monthly for progress checks and to ensure web materials are up to date.
- CREATE grant team sub-groups analyze quantitative data and code quantitative pre-post survey items for preparation of final report and recommendations on program adjustments for prolonged dissemination.
Phase 3 (September-December 2021): Dissemination Phase (NB: NOT FUNDED BY ACS)
Teams conduct the education + action series more broadly for ACS sister institutions and/or for institutions in other SLAC consortia (done on a fee basis to support sustainability of the program).
Final report due September 2021; we expect the dissemination phase to extend beyond this period, subject to establishing revenue streams for the project.
As per feedback in the pre-proposal phase, in Phase 3 the grant team would be open to large Zoom conversations with breakout rooms for particular campuses–except in cases where we anticipate that the conversation content might require inter-institutional composition to enhance psychological visibility and thus productive vulnerability between facilitator and participants.