Let’s talk about a recent event that has affected the lives of many….
Let’s talk about what happened in Haiti on January 12, 2010…

I find the earthquake disaster in Haiti a completely relevant and necessary topic to cover right now.
Now, I understand that the media is covering the Haiti Relief Effort like movie theatres cover popcorn with butter (that’s a whole lot) but I want to find different angles to explore this traumatic event and the relief efforts that have followed the disaster…
I want to focus on:
- Public Opinion: What does the public think of our role in Haiti? Are we giving too little or too much?
- Media Framing : How does the media in the US frame our role in Haiti?
- Human Interest Stories: How are people that are directly connected to Haiti reacting and coping with the tragedy? What have people at Furman and nearby been doing in response to Haiti’s cries for help?
I want to explore the role the United States is playing both as a government but even more so as a people. What do Americans think of the role the US is playing in Haiti? What do Haitians think of US relief efforts in Haiti? There is so much that the media has not covered (I know, hard to believe) and I want to explore those angles.