In my previous posts, I have talked about the government or big organizations helping raise money for the Haitian relief effort, but there are many other efforts going on, on a much smaller scale that desreve to be mentioned as well. Younger adults especially, who have ties of their own to Haiti have done what they can to get the word out and rasie support for the Haitian people.
I myself, with my parents and siblings living in Port-au-Prince Haiti, have raised money be going around and talking to the sororites and fraternities on campus. Another haitian student here at Furman, Fabien Vorbe, who also happens to be on the varsity soccer team help set up a fundrasier for Haiti as well. When I asked him how about this soccer extravanza put on to raise money for the earthquake relief he said,
“It was nice seeing how many people actually came out to support the cause. It was fun and helped out my people a the same time. Even though I can’t be in Haiti right now helping, I feel like this is helping too. “

Other students from schools all over have held similar events, telling their own personal story of their connection to Haiti and getting their friends and classamtes to help out. One of my friends who attends school in New York had T-shirts sold and printed with all proceeds going to Haiti. Another one of my friends went around and spoke to local businesses asking for donations and raised over $2,000.
There is no requirement for lending a hand, and no donation is too small. Haiti needs help and everyone can do something.