We all know the dangers and growing concerns surrounding Africa’s AIDS crisis, and no one knows what the future fate of the country will be. It seems that only time will tell. Although George Bush has received a lot of negative publicity since his presidency, he did many great things to combat AIDS in Africa. Under his administration he set up an Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, also known as PEPFAR. PEPFAR has committed $15 billion dollars over five years to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic. According to time.com “PEPFAR has increased tenfold the number of HIV-infected patients in Africa who receive antiretroviral treatments.” Today, with a new President, and different plans surrounding medical aid, no one knows where the fate of Africa will lie.
During Obama’s campaign, he pledged to support PEPFAR, and now it is up to him to follow through. Recently, U.S global AIDS coordinator, Eric Goosby, released information surrounding what the Obama Administration calls “the next phase of PEPFAR” time.com. In this phase they will stray away from emergency help to sustainable help in order to meet the needs of people with HIV. Many doctors and citizens are asking, “is this enough?” Health officials know that HIV is very dangerous, and Africa needs all the support it can get. So, as I said before, only time will tell the fate of Africa and its HIV/ AIDS epidemic.
a young African child walks past coffins of deceased HIV/AIDS victims.